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Frequently Asked Questions

This section has been designed to assist you. To submit a question not listed contact us.

Customer Service

What area does your company service?
How can I place an order for accessories and film?
What shipping methods do you offer?
When will I receive my bill and statement?
What payment methods are accepted?

Analog X-ray Equipment

Do you service x-ray equipment?
Do you carry spare parts for my type of machine?
How often should my x-ray equipment be serviced?

Digital X-ray Equipment

What is the difference between CR Digital, DR Digital and CCD Digital?
How can a Dry Laser assist my digital system?
Can you explain what a PACS system is?

X-ray Film Processors

What is a hand tank?
Do new and used processors come with a warranty?
What are the benefits in switching to A Walsh Imaging?

Services and Solutions

How can I dispose of my used equipment, film and chemistry?
Do you offer financing for equipment purchases?
Can you help me with my Quality Assurance requirements?
Remote Connect
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Better Business Bureau Vision Imaging Partners