Frequently Asked Questions
This section has been designed to assist you. To submit a question not listed contact us.Customer Service
A Walsh Imaging provides its services throughout NJ, NY, CT and PA. However, we will consider either assisting any location within the Continental United States or redirect you to a credible company who can. Products capable of shipment are offered globally.
● How can I place an order for accessories and film?Orders can be submitted via in person, fax, email and live support. If you're a current client, you can use our Fax Order Form or Online Order Form.
● What shipping methods do you offer?Orders are processed via UPS Ground shipping. Depending on your location, orders are usually delivered within 1 to 4 business days. Shipping fees are calculated per weight, destination and include a nominal handling fee. Upon request, orders can be shipped UPS Next Day. Domestic and Global shipments for equipment can be processed via a global shipping company or freight forwarding agent.
We staff a full time in house delivery operator to process your deliveries. Orders for film, chemistry and accessories before noon can usually be processed the same day upon request. We also offer the ability of pre-scheduling deliveries with your processor preventative maintenance. There is a delivery fee of $12 for NJ; and $15 for NY, CT and PA. Same day deliveries incur a fee of $40 for NJ, NY, CT and PA. Delivery fees are calculated on a per order, not per item, basis. Deliveries with your next scheduled service incur no charge. The above fees are only for film, chemistry and accessory deliveries.
● When will I receive my bill and statement?We staff a full time in house delivery operator to process your deliveries. Orders for film, chemistry and accessories before noon can usually be processed the same day upon request. We also offer the ability of pre-scheduling deliveries with your processor preventative maintenance. There is a delivery fee of $12 for NJ; and $15 for NY, CT and PA. Same day deliveries incur a fee of $40 for NJ, NY, CT and PA. Delivery fees are calculated on a per order, not per item, basis. Deliveries with your next scheduled service incur no charge. The above fees are only for film, chemistry and accessory deliveries.
Invoices are processed immediately and are usually mailed the same day. Unless otherwise requested, only accounts with balances will receive a statement in June and December. Statements are processed on the 15th and are usually mailed the same day.
There is a grace period of 30 days from the date on an invoice. There is no grace period for statements, as statements are usually processed for past due accounts and payment is due immediately. To make payment arrangements please contact our Collections Department.
● What payment methods are accepted?There is a grace period of 30 days from the date on an invoice. There is no grace period for statements, as statements are usually processed for past due accounts and payment is due immediately. To make payment arrangements please contact our Collections Department.
A Walsh Imaging securely processes Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Business/Personal Checks, Money Orders and Cash payments. Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Business/Personal Check payments can be submitted over the phone or via fax. Business/Personal Checks and Money Orders are paid to the order of A Walsh Imaging. Cash payments may be given to a representative after prior arrangements have been made. A receipt will be given to you.
Clients wishing to enable Auto Pay may have their credit card automatically billed for services rendered. Clients may schedule payments to occur on a specific day of the month or as invoices are generated. Please contact Customer Service to arrange your own customized Auto Pay plan.
Clients wishing to enable Auto Pay may have their credit card automatically billed for services rendered. Clients may schedule payments to occur on a specific day of the month or as invoices are generated. Please contact Customer Service to arrange your own customized Auto Pay plan.
Analog X-ray Equipment
Yes. For over 40 years, A Walsh Imaging has provided x-ray service to thousands of facilities throughout NJ, NY, CT and PA. We serve specialists and clinics of all kinds including, but not limited to, Medical Professionals, Private Practices, Hospitals, Imaging Centers, Orthopedists, Internists, Chiropractors, Veterinarians and Podiatrists. Our factory trained x-ray service technicians are capable of providing efficient and professional service for all types and models of x-ray equipment, regardless of the year of manufacture.
We strive to respond to all emergency calls on the same day they are received. However, in the event that our x-ray service technicians are unable to, we will make arrangements to provide service as soon as possible.
● Do you carry spare parts for my type of machine?We strive to respond to all emergency calls on the same day they are received. However, in the event that our x-ray service technicians are unable to, we will make arrangements to provide service as soon as possible.
Our expansive warehouse consumes over 10,000 square feet and is greatly comprised of x-ray parts, critical components and/or equipment from practically every make and model manufactured in the past 25 years. Although it is not feasible for a technician to carry every part or component on them, at a minimum they will be able to diagnose and assess which parts or components you require and then return to complete service. For rare instances when your part is not readily available, our x-ray service technicians will utilize the contacts obtained over the past 40 years to try and obtain it for you.
● How often should my x-ray equipment be serviced?In order to maintain optimum performance, manufacturers recommend that preventative maintenance and calibration occur at least once a year. For equipment that is subjected to a great amount of use, preventative maintenance and calibration may occur more frequently.
The majority of x-ray machines have a life expectancy between 15 and 20 years. Our experience has proven that life expectancy is greatly affected by the amount of usage and whether or not proper preventative maintenance and calibration occurred annually.
We recommend that when your equipment begins to grossly affect your x-ray productivity, quality, and/or maintenance expenditures you should give serious consideration to replacing critical components causing such impact. In some instances, it is more feasible to replace the entire system.
For practices considering such upgrades, we'll discuss your type of practice, your patient volume, your desired investment amount and if you wish, the possibilities of upgrading to a digital system. That coupled with your floor space and workflow will help us provide you with a free x-ray quote. We offer quotes on new and used equipment and our quotes are good for a full 30 days, enabling you to have a good amount of time to consider this crucial investment to your practice
The majority of x-ray machines have a life expectancy between 15 and 20 years. Our experience has proven that life expectancy is greatly affected by the amount of usage and whether or not proper preventative maintenance and calibration occurred annually.
We recommend that when your equipment begins to grossly affect your x-ray productivity, quality, and/or maintenance expenditures you should give serious consideration to replacing critical components causing such impact. In some instances, it is more feasible to replace the entire system.
For practices considering such upgrades, we'll discuss your type of practice, your patient volume, your desired investment amount and if you wish, the possibilities of upgrading to a digital system. That coupled with your floor space and workflow will help us provide you with a free x-ray quote. We offer quotes on new and used equipment and our quotes are good for a full 30 days, enabling you to have a good amount of time to consider this crucial investment to your practice
Digital X-ray Equipment
CR (Computed Radiography) uses very similar equipment to conventional radiography except that in place of a film to create the image, an imaging plate is used. Hence, instead of taking a film into a darkroom for developing, the imaging plate is run through a scanner to read and digitize the image. CR solutions can be purchased with new x-ray equipment or may be used with existing equipment. Approximate acquisition time with a CR solution is 1 minute.
DR (Direct Radiography) does not use imaging plates and the images are available immediately without a processing step. DR solutions can be purchased with new x-ray equipment or may be retrofitted into existing equipment. There are two main technologies available in Direct Radiography: Flat Panel (either direct or indirect capture) detectors and Charge Coupled Device (CCD) based detectors. Flat Panel systems use thin film transistor layers that capture the x-ray generated electrons. Charge Coupled Detector (CCD) machines use a camera inside the x-ray machine to record the images. Approximate acquisition time with a DR solution is 5 seconds.
Many people refer to DR Flat Panel Detectors as "TRUE" DR. This would suggest that there is something called a FALSE DR or that CCD detectors are not "true" DR solutions. The fact is that all DR solutions, whether Flat Panel or CCD, generate a digital image without using a cassette based processing step.
CR Solutions can start as low as $25,000. DR solutions can be slightly higher depending on whether it is a Flat Panel or CCD and whether it is purchased with new x-ray equipment or retrofitted into existing equipment.
● How can a Dry Laser assist my digital system?DR (Direct Radiography) does not use imaging plates and the images are available immediately without a processing step. DR solutions can be purchased with new x-ray equipment or may be retrofitted into existing equipment. There are two main technologies available in Direct Radiography: Flat Panel (either direct or indirect capture) detectors and Charge Coupled Device (CCD) based detectors. Flat Panel systems use thin film transistor layers that capture the x-ray generated electrons. Charge Coupled Detector (CCD) machines use a camera inside the x-ray machine to record the images. Approximate acquisition time with a DR solution is 5 seconds.
Many people refer to DR Flat Panel Detectors as "TRUE" DR. This would suggest that there is something called a FALSE DR or that CCD detectors are not "true" DR solutions. The fact is that all DR solutions, whether Flat Panel or CCD, generate a digital image without using a cassette based processing step.
CR Solutions can start as low as $25,000. DR solutions can be slightly higher depending on whether it is a Flat Panel or CCD and whether it is purchased with new x-ray equipment or retrofitted into existing equipment.
Dry Lasers are incredibly useful for practices which require conventional film imaging for their digital solutions. These film producing machines enable you to take images captured by CR and DR Digital Solutions and print them out on film.
● Can you explain what a PACS system is?Picture archiving and communication systems (PACS) are computers or networks dedicated to the storage, retrieval, distribution and presentation of images. The medical images, which are captured using a CR or DR Digital Solution, are stored in an independent format. The most common format for image storage is DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine). PACS replaces hard copy based means of managing medical images, such as film archives. It expands on the possibilities of such conventional systems by providing capabilities of off-site viewing and reporting. Additionally, it enables practitioners at various physical locations to access the same information simultaneously. Client workstations can use local peripherals for scanning image films into the system, printing image films from the system and interactive display of digital images. PACS workstations offer means of manipulating the images using crop, rotate, zoom, brightness, contrast and other various tools.
X-ray Film Processors
The term "hand tank" is commonly used to reference the process by which x-ray films are manually processed. Manual processing utilizes hand tanks (trays) and requires manual hand dipping and air drying in order to obtain dry, fully developed films. While "hand tank" development produces acceptable films, the use of open chemical tanks or trays in a medical or medical-like environment is undesirable. In addition, there is no convenient way for an operator to tell when the chemicals in use should be replenished or replaced.
Manufacturer recommendations state that chemicals should be changed every 4 weeks to preserve their optimum developing qualities. To aide the efforts of practices desiring to maintain their own hand tanks, we carry an extensive line of chemicals and accessories available from respected providers. For practices wishing to utilize our maintenance services we offer low cost regular hand tank maintenance to ensure the best possible film quality from your hand tanks.
It is advisable to consider upgrading to an automatic film processor when workflow and convenience become an issue. It has been our experience that practices with over 6 films a day should seriously consider upgrading to an automatic film processor. We have several low cost, automatic film processors designed to economically replace your existing hand dipping development of films.
● Do new and used processors come with a warranty?Manufacturer recommendations state that chemicals should be changed every 4 weeks to preserve their optimum developing qualities. To aide the efforts of practices desiring to maintain their own hand tanks, we carry an extensive line of chemicals and accessories available from respected providers. For practices wishing to utilize our maintenance services we offer low cost regular hand tank maintenance to ensure the best possible film quality from your hand tanks.
It is advisable to consider upgrading to an automatic film processor when workflow and convenience become an issue. It has been our experience that practices with over 6 films a day should seriously consider upgrading to an automatic film processor. We have several low cost, automatic film processors designed to economically replace your existing hand dipping development of films.
Yes. Each processor, regardless of whether it is new or used comes with a warranty. A Walsh Imaging believes that our obligation to you begins, not ends, at the purchase of your investment. A warranty for a new processor consists of a minimum of 1 year for parts and labor. A warranty for a used processor consists of a minimum of 6 months for parts and labor. You'll receive a warranty beneficial to your purchase.
● What are the benefits in switching to A Walsh Imaging?We understand the loyalties involved in using another service company, as our clients exhibit this loyalty with us. However, at some point a practice needs to objectively assess whether they are getting their "money's worth". The three main questions you should ask yourself are: (1) Is my current company offering me truly competitive pricing on labor, parts and accessories?; (2) Is my current company capable of diagnosing technical issues before they hinder my ability to offer my services efficiently?; and (3) Is my current company providing me with quick reliable service with little to no down time?
If you answered no, maybe or I don't know to any of those questions then it is time to seriously reevaluate what exactly are you paying this other service company for. There's a reason why we are the largest x-ray service company in the tri-state area. It's not simply due to loyalties, but because our customers can honestly answer all three of those important questions with a yes. In addition to offering invaluable service, our processor service technicians are assigned designated areas of service. This means, that most of the time, you will receive the same processor service technician to service your equipment.
Our processor service technicians receive in depth training through A Walsh Imaging and our manufacturers. Some service companies use the selling point that they will send the same technician every month. That's not a very strong selling point, as anyone can send you the same individual every month. The question is, are they sending you someone experienced every month? Better yet, are they sending you someone who actually works for them? If we're your service provider those are two more questions you can answer with a definitive yes.
If you wish to try our processor maintenance services to see the difference for yourself, we do offer non-contractual processor maintenance. Once you experience the benefits of using our company for your processor maintenance, we hope you will take advantage of the savings we offer by signing a yearly contract. A yearly contract offers a discount in chemicals used every month during the service.
A Walsh Imaging also understands that the services you provide your patients don't necessarily cease at the end of our business day. With that in mind, we offer premium service before and after our business hours, including weekends and holidays. Our company provides on call service that is prompt, affordable and available 24 hours a day - 7 days a week!
If you answered no, maybe or I don't know to any of those questions then it is time to seriously reevaluate what exactly are you paying this other service company for. There's a reason why we are the largest x-ray service company in the tri-state area. It's not simply due to loyalties, but because our customers can honestly answer all three of those important questions with a yes. In addition to offering invaluable service, our processor service technicians are assigned designated areas of service. This means, that most of the time, you will receive the same processor service technician to service your equipment.
Our processor service technicians receive in depth training through A Walsh Imaging and our manufacturers. Some service companies use the selling point that they will send the same technician every month. That's not a very strong selling point, as anyone can send you the same individual every month. The question is, are they sending you someone experienced every month? Better yet, are they sending you someone who actually works for them? If we're your service provider those are two more questions you can answer with a definitive yes.
If you wish to try our processor maintenance services to see the difference for yourself, we do offer non-contractual processor maintenance. Once you experience the benefits of using our company for your processor maintenance, we hope you will take advantage of the savings we offer by signing a yearly contract. A yearly contract offers a discount in chemicals used every month during the service.
A Walsh Imaging also understands that the services you provide your patients don't necessarily cease at the end of our business day. With that in mind, we offer premium service before and after our business hours, including weekends and holidays. Our company provides on call service that is prompt, affordable and available 24 hours a day - 7 days a week!
Services and Solutions
Contact us today to receive your free quote or schedule a pick up for disposal of equipment. A Walsh Imaging may impose a fee for this service due to location, situation and model of the unit. Incorporation of this fee may possibly be included in the purchase and installation of new x-ray equipment by A Walsh Imaging.
A Walsh Imaging also provides service for disposal of x-ray film and chemicals. We do not charge a fee for disposing x-ray film or chemistry of our customers. If you're not a current customer of A Walsh Imaging but still want to utilize our disposal services contact us to receive a FREE quote.
Under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), you share in the responsibility for patient records even after they leave your facility. Besides assurances of continued patient confidentiality, you should be able to determine that these records are destroyed in an environmentally sound manner.
Used x-ray film, chemicals and components are deemed corrosive hazardous waste by the EPA. Medical facilities are legally responsible for the proper disposal of those materials.
The best way you can ensure that all hazardous x-ray film, chemicals and components are removed and disposed of properly according to applicable standards is to have us take care of it for you. A Walsh Imaging is one of the few certified hauling and disposal companies in the tri-state area.
● Do you offer financing for equipment purchases?A Walsh Imaging also provides service for disposal of x-ray film and chemicals. We do not charge a fee for disposing x-ray film or chemistry of our customers. If you're not a current customer of A Walsh Imaging but still want to utilize our disposal services contact us to receive a FREE quote.
Under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), you share in the responsibility for patient records even after they leave your facility. Besides assurances of continued patient confidentiality, you should be able to determine that these records are destroyed in an environmentally sound manner.
Used x-ray film, chemicals and components are deemed corrosive hazardous waste by the EPA. Medical facilities are legally responsible for the proper disposal of those materials.
The best way you can ensure that all hazardous x-ray film, chemicals and components are removed and disposed of properly according to applicable standards is to have us take care of it for you. A Walsh Imaging is one of the few certified hauling and disposal companies in the tri-state area.
Yes. A Walsh Imaging provides medical and veterinary facilities throughout New Jersey, New York, Connecticut and Pennsylvania with professional x-ray financing assistance. We have successfully worked with Mr. Paul Lee at Susquehanna Bank (SUSQ) for over 10 years. Mr. Lee because is exceptional at providing our clients with a platform of stability from which they can fund their transactions with confidence. Susquehanna Bank is a publicly traded company with over $13 billion in assets. In today's volatile market, you deserve x-ray financing assistance through a finance company that is dependable, flexible and solid.
● Can you help me with my Quality Assurance requirements?Yes. A Walsh Imaging provides medical and veterinary facilities throughout New Jersey, New York, Connecticut and Pennsylvania with professional x-ray quality assurance. An x-ray quality assurance program is a system of plans, tests, reviews, reports, records, and actions, whose purpose is to protect your patients and staff from unnecessary exposure to radiation and to reduce the occurrence of misdiagnosis caused by faulty x-ray equipment. The States of NJ and NY require that all non-veterinarian facilities with diagnostic x-ray equipment develop and implement an x-ray quality assurance program. A Walsh Imaging has been providing x-ray quality assurance programs for over 20 years.